is it really a bad thing to dream to be a master drug cook. one that takes chemistry serous ( how many cooks know what quantum spin is) they are people that are heavily shunned by society for choosing a drug of choice that isn't pot or alcohol. methheads are thieve because the drug is so over inflated in cost to make/street value. plus the fact no one hires anyone that cant pass a drug test. anyone that cooks today isnt out for the money. ever try to learn how to cook p2p broke on your own dime?
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i do have a problem. p2p is a bitch when you factor in how hard it is to make every fucking thing from scratch and then fail 10 times learning how to do proper chemistry. but i LOVE everything about it. experimenting, sourcing hard to find chems, researching to find new possible ways to it( or other drugs, poly drug user ) and when you do get a new success its the ultimate victory, a deep sense of accomplishment. there are no schools for this. tons of lies about it. extreme punishment for what is really a loved hobby. i have yet to find my own route that is not completely restricted yet. tons of attempts , a few successes here and there. ive learned nearly a 4 to 6 years degree worth of chemistry. met all kinds of everyday normal people that use it. all in all i LOVE my life and what i do. as long as its not directly taking others freewill from them i hope everyone finds a love or passion as i have.
Thank you for providing me with this new perspective. I definitely have always viewed all kinds of addicts as helpless beings that have a problem and need help. At the same time, I recently started regularly smoking weed, and I feel the same as you do about meth. I love getting high just to get high. I don't think anyone should be looked down upon for the ways in which they get high -- especially if you don't have a problem.
no matter what your passion in life is someone gonna hate it. maybe even get other to try and stop you. drugs addiction is the most misunderstood problem in modern time. you either use drugs as an escape or for the enjoyment of it. anything you use as an escape makes what ever it was bad for you. dope , church, shopping for clothes you name it. what is wrong with most people is self lying to them selves why they do drugs. to get high is pretty much the only true reason. to enjoy life is the point of getting high. yes there are other ways to enjoy life but the same can be said to all of them. as for profit. what is that( ive never seen one, this is a money hole) i do not have a problem with people making money off it. money its self is like a drug. here for minutes to give you a temporary joy. but nothing is permanent. every joy will end. time being the cause(everything has entropy ) what makes it wrong to use any drug if its not for escape but for you own personal enjoyment? yes there is a needed balance to life. if .your selling your kids food stamps for meth money you have a real problem. you cant handle it. but some people can handle it. for many it teach life lessons that are hard to come by. no matter what you want right now in life but cant get can either be a minor annoyance or you can allow it to ruin that moment of your life. meth problem is the intense wanting right now. if you learn to accept not having you meth right now and let it go you have learned an intense level of self control and how to enjoy what you do have in life. its hard to explain because modern times say all drug use is a problem when its really not. not feeding your kids is a problem. you dont have to steal because your impatient. but many do choose to. the real problem is the complete lack of self responsibly. its easy to lie to your self and blame the drugs. but the simple truth is an individual person made a choice in life to neglect one part of their life for another want. it is possible to balance this drug addiction. i love meth, and i love my friends and family.i know that sometimes i have to choose to do things in life that are not getting high because i take responsibility for my actions. yet during my free time whats wrong with trying new chemistry experiments that could make one of my favorite joys this world has to offer?
So, my mother left my brother, my father, and myself, because she got hooked on meth. I'm someone whose life has been irrevocably damaged by meth. By all rights, I should hate the stuff, demonize it, and feel no compassion towards its users, as my mother never even made an effort in trying to be a present parent until I was an adult.
But that's not how I feel about meth. Or about any other drug.
I think most people feel that people who supply others with things like herion or meth are the worst kinds of people in society. Really, I see the profession as something that could be, in some ways, considered noble. I'm the kind of person that tries to follow problems in society to its roots. When others do this, they look at criminals, drug addicts, prostitutes, etc. -- they point to these people and say "This is what's wrong with society. If these people were gone, the world would be a better place."
As for me, I've always asked Why. Why do people feel the need to do drugs, commit crime, or sell their bodies in the first place? Escapism? Survival? Why does it come to this? In my opinion, these kinds of people are not the cause of a sick society -- they are symptoms of a sick society. They are the clearest warning signs that something in your world is so wrong that people resort to these kinds of things.
To provide someone with a drug that can help them in the short-term, even if destroys their lives in the long-term, in my opinion, is something that could be considered honorable. "To check out of this life, temporarily, permanently -- my darling, it is the only thing that makes sense." I don't feel that people who cook up drugs are the people society should blame for drug addicts. It's like putting a bandaid over a fucking bullet hole. To provide someone with an escape from their absolutely terrible lives in order to make it a little more bearable could be considered, in my opinion, a noble thing. It's understandable that, in the interim of trying to fix the real problems people have in this world, lots of people would need a way to forget about it all for a length of time. That desire makes sense to all of us at certain times in our lives. Some people just get hooked on it longer than others. And I don't feel that that's reason to cast them aside as criminals rather than fellow victims.
That's just how I feel about it. I'm not trying to glorify the life of a meth cook or a drug dealer or an addict. I'm just saying that I can see why they exist, how they feed into each other, and how demonizing them doesn't help them or society at all.
fucking judgement assholes .never mind .
Um, is this for real?
I definitely feel a troll here.