is it really a bad thing to dream to be a master drug cook. one that takes chemistry serous ( how many cooks know what quantum spin is) they are people that are heavily shunned by society for choosing a drug of choice that isn't pot or alcohol. methheads are thieve because the drug is so over inflated in cost to make/street value. plus the fact no one hires anyone that cant pass a drug test. anyone that cooks today isnt out for the money. ever try to learn how to cook p2p broke on your own dime?
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i do have a problem. p2p is a bitch when you factor in how hard it is to make every fucking thing from scratch and then fail 10 times learning how to do proper chemistry. but i LOVE everything about it. experimenting, sourcing hard to find chems, researching to find new possible ways to it( or other drugs, poly drug user ) and when you do get a new success its the ultimate victory, a deep sense of accomplishment. there are no schools for this. tons of lies about it. extreme punishment for what is really a loved hobby. i have yet to find my own route that is not completely restricted yet. tons of attempts , a few successes here and there. ive learned nearly a 4 to 6 years degree worth of chemistry. met all kinds of everyday normal people that use it. all in all i LOVE my life and what i do. as long as its not directly taking others freewill from them i hope everyone finds a love or passion as i have.