It's only been maybe a little over a year since I stepped foot into the Question & Answer Autofellatio Circlejerk that is Quora and, while my initial answers to various questions might have been tame at first, later, I would run into a series of adventures. While I'm still contributing to that particular site, what I've noticed is that opposing opinions need not apply.
Rather than calling it a place to share knowledge and better understand the world, let's call it what it is; The Police State of The Internet.
Quora is what would happen on The Walking Dead if Negan were played by Al Franken playing Stuart Smalley. You go in with your answers and you obey the rules in totality being that it is a totalitarian website. In return, if someone thinks that you've committed the mere sin of disagreement with them, you're subjected to having your post collapsed, seized or even outright executed in the fucking street. Picture Stuart Smalley covered in blood from Glenn's smashed Melon and his "Saviors" chanting "Because We're Good Enough, Smart Enough, And Doggone It, People Like Us!"
While I can agree that throwing insults at people really doesn't help, it's when Quora mounts an offensive that you really have to wonder just how much Silicon Valley Political Cock starts getting sucked. Let's go with my first violation of the "Be Nice, Be Respectful" Policy Violations I got slammed with:
Yep, THIS answer. Initially, I'd let it go. Was it because I said "We're some Lazy Motherfuckers?" A statement of fact wasn't welcome? I'll let you know IF I ever hear back from Quora Moderation on this one.
The next slap came from someone reporting my goddamn name. Quora held my entire account hostage to the tune of a driver's license (Yeah I don't let anyone in that deeply unless they buy me dinner and a handjob first) or a LinkedIn profile. I had a LinkedIn Profile I hadn't used since I started it. Upon doing a little digging, I found my profile was lost in a sea of Wade Wilsons out there. Most likely culprit: Deadpool similarity. Second most likely culprit: The former Quarterback for the Minnesota Fucking Vikings. I sent my LinkedIn Profile and boom, restore.
Here's a question for you, Quora, how easy is it to fake one of those accounts, I wonder? Just sayin'. Kinda petty, really fucking flimsy.
Then there were more, just check out this little shitstick I had to kick up to no avail when my fucking entire account got banned and the appeals hadn't gone through yet:
Wade WilsonJun 12
To Whom It May Concern,
A week-long ban? Seems extreme considering something that I'm certain others using your site will either not find surprising nor will they like. I can see why you won't let me communicate with others through Quora but that's hardly going to contain the issue. Here's why.
I have multiple accusations of the vague "BNBR Violations." Did you know there is only one I haven't appealed? Only one and there was nothing disrespectful or mean about it. Goddamn right I'm appealing the shit out of it now, though. Here comes all of the evidence on my behalf that there hasn't been a single response to any of the appeals I've filed lately, along with their explanations AND, I'm going to demonstrate how you have actually unfairly banned me. This is also going to several member to whom I'm in contact with offsite as they want to know why I haven't weighed in on some questions sent to me.
First, let's start with one that I'm appealing on it's face. When I said "We're some lazy motherfuckers."
I wasn't kidding. If I'm wrong, please show me any person who woke up, called in to work and told their boss they're volunteering for jury duty. All it takes is one. Just one person. That is getting appealed based on it's own merit. Not to mention the length of time it had been up before someone decided it needed to be collapsed when there's been so much immediacy lately?
The Next one has the OP asking us why his thirteen-year-old daughter has stopped filling out a shit schedule. This parent is very adamant about having them fill out a schedule but the child has defied them.
My answer needs improvement? Seriously? I appealed this one, the question was deleted and not a single word since I filed the appeal. Come on, I've gotten answers that were immediate and unappealable. Now I get nothing? Since March? It's June now. Okay so I'm in limbo with no final ruling...keep that in mind.
Then I got this from someone there:
Quora Moderation
Apr 30
We recently found some of your content (Your comment on Which quote do you like most by Bruce Wayne/Batman?) that violates Quora's Be Nice, Be Respectful policy (See What is Quora's "Be Nice, Be Respectful" policy?).
Please keep this policy in mind when interacting with other people on Quora. If you continue posting content that violates this policy, you may be banned from using Quora. For more information, see: How do I appeal a Quora Moderation decision?.
If you think this is an error on our part, please submit a moderation appeal at with a link to your content.
Thank you,
Quora Moderation
Full text of comment:
BaTL;DR “Bitch, Please!”'
Again, appealed, explaining the entire play on words to the most minute detail on April 30th. answer whatsoever. Still in limbo.
There was the one on Does Anyone Really Want To Confiscate Firearms In America? I had a commenter that simply would not stop. I gave him ample opportunity to understand he wasn't going to win me over by repeating the term "bloviate" over and over again. This went on for a couple of days. When I finally blocked him that's when I got this not ten minutes later. I apealed this one immediately on the grounds that it was reported by this particular user, whom I named, as retaliation that he couldn't get his way in my comments. May 8th...appealed, nothing, limbo, no surprise there. I mean are my appeals being ignored at this point? I hate to say that's the case but it will certainly do until the real explanation comes. Let me rephrase that. It will certainly do unless the real explanation comes.
Then there's this one. According to your own rules, questions like this aren't permitted but this one has not only posted, it's staying the hell up there! This is true bloviating by the same crowd that seems to think that their constant complaining will solve things. Appealed, limbo, nothing, I'm starting to sense a pattern here...
Finally, in closing there's this question that brings us to the Week-long ban. At this point, I've appealed. I've followed all your own channels and have heard nothing but the cyber-equivalent of crickets. At this point, I figured you were ignoring me. I mean there have been appeal after appeal and I'd understand this if there were as such as a "Go To Hell, Wilson!" but I'm not even getting that and you're going to ban me for a week? I spoke nothing but fact in this post. There were other answers far less restrained than mine. At this point, you're calling yourself snipers for firing and hitting a bullseye at point blank range, you're completely ignoring your own policies and you're expecting that no one will notice.
At this point, I am owed a complete appeal As Per Your Own Process AND a response that is fair and completely unbiased. I will be checking on the status of every appeal listed herein, I would appreciate it if you would respond in a timely manner.
Wade Wilson
The absolute hilarity came today. One of my appeals was finally answered! Yep, One! Which one? Have a look! Prepare yourselves, there's a buffet of buffoonery from these diaper stains and I'll get to why but here you go, behold and laugh:
Wade Wilson
May 3, 3:19 PM PDT
Appealed content:
Okay, I need to know how this works.
First, I'll educate TL;DR = Too (Lazy/Long);Didn't Read What I did was insert a "Ba" in front of it. Why? Because We're Talking About Batman! Thus what comes of it is BaTL;DR = Bat/TL;DR, getting it yet?
This means it was to sum up the quotes I had been reading. Batman is known to be Tough as a fucking coffin nail and thus I put the entire phrase into quotations equalling the sum total of BaTL;DR: "Bitch, Please"
I'm not digging up the entire damn quote. Someone on this moderation squad did it, you figure it out from there.
Hey, got something for you while I'm at it. How about slapping this question with the same policy violation?
I mean if we're going after two words....
So within this one post I actually EXPLAINED the humor in full. If you wanted to sum up Batman (a fictional character) in his speeches to many within his Rogues Gallery (MORE Fictional Characters) then this was it.
Surely, that’s deserving of a “Hey, yanno what? We might have gotten a humorless fuck reporting this one but it’s taken way out of context right? LOL Right?
That’s When I got This OVER A Month Later…
Jenna (Quora)
Jun 20, 1:55 PM PDT
Hello Wade,
We apologize for the delayed response. Your comment was in violation of our Be Nice, Be Respectful policy. This core Quora principle requires that people treat other people on the site with civility, respect, and consideration. To learn more about this policy, please visit:
Attacks against other people are not allowed on Quora, nor are disrespectful or insulting attacks directed at other people's content. People should be civil and respectful in disagreement with others and should not (1) make attacks or otherwise disparage other people, (2) refer to other people's content with insulting or disrespectful language, (3) harass others on the site or (4) advocate self-harm, even in a joking manner.
These behaviors hurt the Quora community and deter users from helping to make Quora a better knowledge resource. Our decision is final, and your content will not be reinstated.
If you see content that is objectionable, we suggest you either report or downvote it. You can report questions, answers, comments, and messages by clicking on the "Report" link which is located underneath the content.
We appreciate your understanding.
To Sum Up This One: You Are Not Allowed To Attack Even Fictional Characters!
…Seriously. I honestly have nothing to add to this one, I’m just over here laughing my ass off. I’m letting it stand because it’s far too stupid to make up. I’m almost willing to take a Quora pool on just how many more of my responses get the same type of response that autofellates itself here. I’m glad you appreciate my understanding of this one, Jen because I’m sure the rest of Quora will be just as understanding as I am while laughing hysterically.
Pardon me while I take the response with a grain of bullshit. You see, what you're getting is an admin complicit with a nice little Cabal of Top Writers that harass people on Facebook as their own "Top Writer" Jon Davis has publicly pointed out on Quora.
They are so tolerant and understanding that they actively pursue each and everyone who happens to be within a nine-mile digital equivalent of their safe space for the mere act of fucking disagreeing with them. Combine that with Time's Partnering of Quora and you have a serious recipe for disaster. If you're having these problems, have a look at your followers, you may even see sock puppet accounts just waiting with bated breath for you to "fuck up" as it were. Even more moronic is Quora's new take on their appeals process which is the equivalent of "Don't Call Us, We'll Call You." Basically, that means if you filed an appeal don't hold your breath on hearing back from them. If you do, the banality and stupidity are bound to flow ever so flawlessly onto your screen and people honestly wonder how anyone could have voted for Trump.
I'm Netizen Xero, out.