Taste of the Mind
Explore and discuss opinions on multiple subjects in a space free from unfair moderation.
Social Issues
Opinions on gender, race, religion, and society's views on them.
Art, writing, photography. This is the place to discuss all things creative and share your work with other users.
16Website News
Discussions, ideas, and news about Flustered Neutral.
Regarding all matters featuring Science with no sellout potential.
9Shoot the Breeze
Discussions about anything that doesn't fit in with the other topics.
11Electronics and Gaming
Smart phones, gaming systems, computers, VR, and video games.
1Member Profiles
Tell us about yourself and read about other users. (Note, please do not reveal personal or identifying information.)
2Pets and Animals
The lovely relationship between man and dog, humans and their pets, animal rights, cute pictures, and furry discussions.
3The Coffee Shop
Drinks, snacks, meals, teas, coffee, recipes, and more. A random add on for people with a love for the culinary arts.
1Various Debating
Take a seat and read up on differing opinions, offer a subject to debate upon, or offer your side of an opinion.
Fitness, health, dieting, and excercise.