It's been two years, I really can't believe it. Two years, and sadly Flustered Neutral seems to have died.
As for my followers who may or may not see this when they get an email alerting them to this post, I really don't want to bury this website. I stopped work on it after someone promised me they'd build us a new, better website. He bought the .com domain and to my knowledge never did anything else with it. My guess is that he got busy with life and forgot.
However, while I'd love to see FN come back to life, I really have no room for it in my own life anymore. When I set up the website I literally had all the time in the world to dedicate to it. Now, I have so much going on, I have a new job, a new partner, a new career I chip at day after day as a cartoonist who is CONSTANTLY facing censorship for my raunchy comics!
Hell, Instagram BANNED my website from theirs! You cannot mention without getting blacklisted and being forced to remove it.
It was all of this that reminded me of Flustered Neutral, and I am hoping that at some point in the future I can begin posting my comics here and gaining more traffic to both the websites, as The Boys will be my full time job one day and I prefer that day to come sooner rather than later.
If you wish to support this new journey of mine, become a Patron, follow the_boys_comics on Instagram, or simply join the forum on my website
Thank you to anyone still here!
Damn I forgot about this place lol. Good luck to you mate.