<b>Australian Local council demands government change Australia's national anthem because references to 'colonisation and white settlement exclude Aboriginal people'</b>
<i>What about the Cornish? My son has some Cornish ancestry so should not the Cornish be acknowledged too? And Australia has far more people of Greek ancestry than Aborigial ancestry so should we not have the Greeks in our national anthem? Where would we be without Greek fish shops? And Greek greengrocers are the masters of apostrophe innovation. And what about the Italians: Where would we be without spaghetti?
And there's a Chinese restaurant in almost every Australian town. Should not that be acknowledged too? I'd back recognition of Australia's Chinese rather than Aborigines any day. I've eaten a lot of great Chinese meals but what have Aborigines ever done for anyone? They are very largely parasites on the rest of Australia</i>
A town council will appeal to the government to change the countries national anthem because the current song doesn't include Indigenous Australians.
Lake Macquarie Council says references to the 'colonisation and white settlement' excludes Aboriginal people and will write to Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to 'review the wording of the national anthem'.
In a notice of motion raised at Monday's meeting by Labor Councillor Brian Adamthwaite it was decided the letter would request the removal of the word 'young' from the song, replacing it with strong, the Newcastle Herald reported.
Lake Macquarie Council will appeal to the government to change Australia's national anthem to include Indigenous Australians
The idea to propose the change was came to light during a conversation Councillor Adamthwaite, a school principal, had with an Indigenous student.
'This particular student said to me one day, ''Do I really have to stand and sing Advance Australia Fair?',' he said.
'She said it doesn't represent my people, my people have been here a long long time and when we talk about a young country, we're talking about … colonisation and white settlement.
He would like to live in a country in where all children feel proud to sing the national anthem.
The motion was passed despite three Liberal Party Councillors opposing to the idea citing it was outside their domain.
'We're elected as leaders in the community [but] this is going far beyond my brief, it's not something we should be debating,' Nick Jones said.
Daily Mail Australia recently reported the Recognition in Anthem Project, established by Victorian Supreme Court judge Peter Vickery, were also pushing for a new patriotic song.
Their proposed version includes references to Aboriginal culture, Uluru and 'respecting the country'.
Earlier this year the Australian government granted permission for the altered version of 'Advance Australia Fair' to be used at some events, but not as an official anthem.
<a href="http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4643106/Town-council-Australia-s-national-anthem-change-Aboriginal.html">SOURCE</a>