Why don't all those who want national health care voluntarily form a large insurance grouping and shop rates. It could be very large if all those who voted for Hillary and Bernie is any indication. Then we can all keep our freedom to choose what we want!
You could even get the Democrats or other like minded groups to endorse it!
If you like national healthcare why would this not work (besides legal limitations about groups/insurance across state lines)?
Actually I do think this is a good idea! I know that there is a Christian organization that does exactly that - it offers affordable health insurance to members. Seems to me any group could do this if it were big enough. I know GE also is self insured (or at least it was when I worked there).
To take it further, why wouldn't people that voluntarily vote for it voluntarily join the group, if we make it?
The ACA has created such a boondoggle that it may not be correctable. Many millions are are now ensconced in the system andthe Rep., whatever they do, will create a storm of disgruntled minions inflamed by a press that is out of control creating mountains out of mole hills. As Hary Reid said, the ACA will fail and lead to national one payer health care. It is on its way if the Rep. fail. Back in the sixtie seventies and eighties I did not have insurance and paid for every doctors visit out of pocket - $25 - $30. When my kids were born in the seventies the births were paid out of pocket aalso $740 for the first and $800 for the second four years later. Infflattion. Now it costs over 7-8 thousand for delivery. Something got totally out of kilter after the government started meddling in healthcare with medicare and medical.
Ideally this would be a great idea, it is what 'The Affordable Care Act' was supposed to be. Unfortunately national health insurance plans don't work so well if they aren't mandatory. The problem with "Obama Care" was that there was a relatively small group of people using it, this lead to premium spikes and made it much less affordable for most people. The US is a gigantic country and the amount of organization required to create a Left, Liberal, or Democratic health care system would be impossible. Although theoretically this is a good idea it simply isn't feasible unless there were some policy enacted.